Sunday, April 29, 2018

After 3 months..

After quite some time, finally I managed to login this gmail account and try to update new entry. Long time of quiet-ness. Haha. Alhamdulillah, I am totally in a very good condition since my last update on 23rd January I guess. 

Less than a month - 22 days in exact counts, we're going to face the biggest challenge in my life so far.. COMPREHENSIVE EXAM! For a veterinary student from UPM, a comprehensive examination is a must PASS before you graduate from veterinary school. If you don't pass, you can repeat and keep re-do until you pass! And I am going to 'fight' this upcoming May, 4th Ramadhan. Such a blessing to have an examination during Ramadhan. May Allah bless all of us and grant us with a good result. Amin. 

If (Insha-Allah) I pass this exam, I'll update soon the flow of the exam or how does it feels or do any related sharing. To be honest, I am never expected my journey will be this way. At first.. I accept DVM study's offer because of Istikharah. What makes me stay (even I had a lot of times paper failures - cz I'm not exam-oriented person) is because of my istikharah,. I stay because of Allah wants me to do so. so here I am. I don't know how I am survived but alhamdulillah, all because of His will. 

Now, I am going to the end of my study. I finished all my fyp, both conferences, mock comprehensive exam, 4 years study, OSCE, all exams., and now the only thing I need to focus on is myyyyy CE. May Allah bless all the knowledge that I have and it stays in my head forever. 

I fall in love with this career since I was in first semester fifth year. Yes, once again, unexpected thing always happen. I never thought that I will love this

To sum up 
Do pray for that I pass this exam and became a successful veterinarian one day. 

To be continued.

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