Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Happy 10 years blogging!


Assalamualaikum wrbh

HAPPY 2018! 

How time flies! How's your 2017? Awesomeeeee? 

Alhamdulillah, mine just fine.. biase la tu setiap tahun ada cabaran dan dugaan di celah-celah kebahagiaan yang kita ada. Allah akan uji kita sama ada kesenangan atau kesusahan. To sum up my '17, I'd achieved some of my goals; to reach final year, done my first clinical conference (which I'd never expect I can went through it..alhamdulillah), hit 23 years old, learn something each day, kurus (sekejap je mengempis...HAHA), done with my last practicals after 4 years sem break practicalss...12 kali agaknya, dadada..tak ingat dah tapi the main point I remembered about my wonderful '17 is I can went through the challenges smoothly

How to overcome the challenges that you are facing everyday?

Normal tu ada cabaran dalam hidup. Contohnya bagi aku, cabaran terbesaq bagi aku adalah dengan menghabiskan lima tahun pengajian aku dalam medical field ni. Science is not my interest tapi kita nak belajar kan, why not we try

Jadi halangan terbesar bagi aku adalah kefahaman dalam sesuatu bidang.. macam bidang aku sekarang adalah VETERINARY MEDICINE dan bidang tu memerlukan kefahaman dan connection between some sort of things. Tipulah kalau cakap aku boleh go through macam tu je tanpa ada cabaran or cabaran tu kacang je nak hadapi. Tambahan pula aku dah masuk final year (the biggest fear) sebab ada 

Clinical Conference (CC)

We need to pick one of the case that we attend and follow up throughout the case with completed history, patient signalment, problem lists, diagnostic work-up, treatments..so that we can present the case report and discuss about it. As for me, it's quite hard before I start to write my powerpoint slide! You need to choose one lecturer that is DVM as your Supervisor (SV). Cabarannya bukan setakat normal presentation but you need to understand thoroughly the case dan janganlah pilih kes biasa je..Pilih something.

Aku pilih kes ni "Soft Tissue Sarcoma in a Local Terrier Cross Breed Dog" and finally I did it! Perjalanan nak siapkan CC ni takes time - months. Nak cari SV, nak propose case, discuss case, nak siapkan case, follow up some more..etc.. honestly walaupun tough this first CC, I can feel the ease behind it. Sekali je menangis beberapa hari sebelum present sebab Allah nak uji -- I need to repeat my clinical rotation session for two days sebab tak present ward cases well but I'd tried to reflect myself on what I did previously and make improvement. 

If you understand the case well, you can explain it better

Life is so simple. If you need to repeat it, it means 'chance' and 'opportunity' not a burden

T R I E D   H A R D to #bepositive 

Clinical Rotation (Monday full day & Wednesday half day) but some clinical rotation needed us to attend morning session (7am-8am) and also evening session at 7pm onwards, Classes 8am til 7pm on wednesday and other days normal office hours.. quite the same from fourth year but the schedule is more packed -- Oncall weekend/ weekend duty included uols. Bisnes semester ni slow sikit sebab tak sempat langsung nak manage. Study is my priority and I must finish this journey no matter how long it takes.

Clinical Round. Ahaaaa this one is the toughest. Clinical round from Tuesday til Friday but not necessarily everyday you must present a case (by group) in the round which held in our beautiful hall known as Auditorium. My group is Group NINEEE! I love this group so much as I can learn a lot from my super duper genius friends. Tak tahu la tahap rajin depa ni macam mana, terlalu rajin dan pandai. Walaupun cheq tak macam depa tapi Alhamdulillah sekurangnya banyak juga benda dapat belajar dari depa. Sometimes we had 3 cases to be presented in a week. Depends on the academician on that clinical rotation. 

It's normal to have lectures. Sama je. Ada 4 papers this sem which we learnt Veterinary Business, Aquatic Health, Ruminant Medicine and Wildlife & Exotic Medicine. One more subject w/o tests/ papers..just groupwork is PBL (problem based learning) where there's all your subjects linked and connected in order to understand the cases given through the triggers given..

Anyway we have IELTS classes on weekend some more.


FYP - in progress

Our FYP is just four weeks during sem break January-February. 4 weeks is equal to 1 month. 1 month to settle up our fyp, 1 week for presentation prep and another 3 days of the following week to present our fyp. Currently my fyp is progressing and past 9 days already, my progress is 40% where another 

10% spare part for correction
15% writing where 5% in progress and 10% depend on the correction 
5% for submission writing, printing, etc
20% for presentation slide..hurm, 5% progressed perhaps? 

My FYP is about estimating the costs yada yada yada.. too long to type. basically it's under aquatic and business. I like calculations, business and technology that's why I choose this field as my FYP which is 80% out from veterinary field but still...there's common between veterinary & business. 

Image result for tumblr image busy

But ada orang lagi pack jadualnya. Bersyukurlah jadi student sekarang ni, nikmat buat degree and have life dengan member tak akan berulang, that's what my sisters always told me. 

I love my busy schedule! Busy schedule ni 'mengajar' kita kenal diri kita sendiri, how well we manage ourselves and sempat buat banyak benda..tapi masa yang pack ni juga mengajar kita untuk hidup as a robot or hamba Allah. Nak collect pahala or bala. Means, sesibuk manapun kita dalam mengejar keperluan hidup jangan dilupakan pada yang wajib-wajib tu.. The most important thing is solat solat and solat. Jaga solat di awal waktu, InsyaAllah hati akan menjadi lebih tenang nak buat kerja.

Yes, back to the topic about how to overcome..the challenges that we face up everyday

Simple. Put these two in your bottom of the heart; sabr and redha.

sabr and redha
sabr and redha
sabr and redha

How many tears we had this sem? Pernah ada rasa berputus asa dan perit nak teruskan perjalanan study ni tapi disebabkan supports from surrounding (friends from the same course especially) sangat kuat. They can comfort me and I hope I can do the same when they are in need. Insya-Allah. Supports dari depa ni selalu berpesan supaya sabar dan seek help from Allah. When you feel knocked down, terus berwuduk and perform 2 rakaat prayer and bace la Quran sikit to feel peace.

Paling malas pun buka la qasidah ke, alunan zikr and bacaan al Quran ke
listen to it. you will feel calm. 

Nak tak nak..belajar kena habiskan dan paling penting kena ada passion, find something that attract you to learn. Niat tu pun kena perbetulkan..

The same thing I keep writing on..
sabr. redha. tawakkal. niat. etc

because the tips are useful for me. really
hopefully it's the same for you okay my dear friend.

I am an open person actually to listen to you if you guys ada masalah ke, need someone to cry on..or to confess something. Just add me on Facebook Nazrah Athirah or just hit the message button to text me kay? Ig also can @nazrahathirah . 

Tu je sum up of how my '17 went with my study. My personal life Alhamdulillah..it's getting better and I hope for more colors and improvement next time. I am welcoming any one to be a part of my life sooner or later; new friends ke, new family members ke, new virtual friends.. etc. 

My goals for 2018 would be, jengjengjeng

1. Grad on time
2. Good personality improvement
3. First job
4. Increase UP my fitness level

Nanti boleh la sum up next 2019 if I hit the goals! 23 days past for January, still not too late to paint another 342 days

Each new day .. is a new opportunity
Paint it!

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" Happy 10 years blogging "

Thank you for your reading! 

Hope for new kerajinan to update new entry soon! ahaks

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